MedNet-Sites by MedNet Technologies




Medical Links

Are you looking for additional information about certain procedures, diseases or about neurological or neuropsychology conditions in general?  Since our website can't contain everything about neurology or neuropsychology, we have provided a list of sites that will help with your search for more information.

If there is a website that you think should be included on our list, please send us an e-mail, and we will consider including it. 

Local Web Sites

Texas Neurological Society

Travis County Medical Society

National Web Sites
American Academy of Neurology
American Stroke Association
Alzheimer's Association
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Dystonia/Spasmodic Torticollis
Brain Injury
Huntington's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Myasthenia Gravis
National Spinal Cord Injury
Partners Against Pain
International Multiple Sclerosis Support Foundation

Local Hospitals
Texas NeuroRehab Center
Heart Hospital of Austin
Health South
St. Davids




711 West 38th Street
Austin, TX 78705

Tel: (512) 458-6121
Fax: (512) 452-5567

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